Halloween party ideas 2015

General English Questions and Answers for all Competitive Exams [SSC Exam/Bank Exam/English MCQs with English Language Quiz : 

General English Questions and Answers Quiz
[Competitive Exam]

Que (1): Everyone of the men present here has given a day's pay as_____ contribution to the fund. (Fill in the blank with suitable preposition)
[A]  Their
[B]  His
[C]  Her
[D]  Ones

Que (2): "Who is creating this mess ?" (If the voice is changed the sentence will be:)
[A]  By whom has this mess been created?
[B]  By whom this mess is being created?
[C]  Who has created this mess ?
[D]  By whom is this mess being created ?

Que (3): ____ rich should be merciful.(Fill in the blanks with suitable Article)
[A]  A
[B]  The
[C]  An
[D]  None

Que (4): Open the door. (Changing the voice the following would be obtained)
[A]  The door is to be opened by you
[B]  Let the door be opened
[C]  Please the door be opened
[D]  None of above

Que (5): A decision on which one cannot go back is _____________ (Tick the correct one word substitute)
[A]  Invulnerable
[B]  Incorrigible
[C]  Irrevocable
[D]  In frangible

Que (6): I __________waiting for him for a long time. (Tick the correct form of word.)
[A]  Am
[B]  Was
[C]  Have been
[D]  None

Que (7): Tick the word that is most nearly the opposite in meaning as the word in capital.
[A]  Praise
[B]  Rectangle
[C]  Circle
[D]  Dialogue

Que (8): What is the time __________ your watch. (Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition)
[A]  By
[B]  In
[C]  At
[D]  None

Que (9): If the speech is change the sentence will be:
              "I don't know the way, you do?" he said
[A]  He told that he was not knowing the way, but wondered if I knew.
[B]  He said that he didn't know the way and did I know it.
[C]  He said that he didn't know the way I did.
[D]  He asked me if I knew the way which I didn't.

Que (10): Tick the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word in capital.
[A]  Honesty
[B]  Soldier
[C]  Tavern
[D]  Coward

~@ इस विषय से संबंधित प्रश्नोत्तरी नीचे देखें @~

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