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Chhattisgarh General Knowledge Quiz for all Chhattisgarh History, all Chhattisgarh Dynasty, Chhattisgarh Geography, Chhattisgarh online Guide, Chhattisgarhresult, CGPSC Model Answer, Chhattisgarh current Affairs, chhattisgarh gk questions and answers quiz and Other State related Gk also.

it's quiz contain all chhattisgarh general knowledge quiz, chhattisgarh history in hindi quiz, CG Gk questions and answers quiz and CG History, all Chhattisgarh Dynasty, CG Geography,Online CGPSC, Chhattisgarhonline Guide, CGPSC Model Answer, CGPSC Exam, CGPSC Result, PSC Model Answers, PSC Result, Chhattisgarhresult, CG Current Affairs, Chhattisarh PSC Exam and Other State related gk also.
Chhattisgarh Gk for छत्तीसगढ़ इतिहास  & CGPSC Results Others 
Que (01): Who was the founder Emperor King of "Korea Estate" ?
A. Raja Amol Singh
B.Raja Satyaprakash
C.Raja Jaiprakash
D.Raja Dharmal Shah
Que (02): Which dynasty rulers got constructed "Buddha Vihar" ?
A.Som Dynasty Ruler
B.Sharbhpuriya Dynasty Ruler
C.Naag Dynasty Ruler
D.Gupt Dynasty Ruler

Que (03): What was the Old name of "Rajnandgaon" District ?
Que (04): Which dynasty ruler ruled in "Rajnandgaon" Estate ?
A.Bairagi Dynasty
B.Faninag Dynasty
C.Som Dynasty
D.Kalchuri Dynastry
Que (05): Who constructed "Balod Nagar" ?
A.King Balpur
B.King Balshah
C.King Baludev Shah
D.King Balvendra Singh
Que (06): In which year "Rudree Jungle Satyagraha" ?
A.01 August 1931
B.02 August 1930
C.03 August 1932
D.04 August 1934
Que (07): Who presided over 1951 "Homerule League" in Raipur ?
A.Pt. Ravishankar Shukla
B.Barrister Chhedilal
C.Pt. Waman Rao Lakhe
D.Thakur Pyarelal
Que (08): Who donated his 18 village to "Pandit Sundarlal Sharma" ?
A.Jagdalpur Naresh
B.Kanker Naresh
C.Ratanpur Naresh
D.Sakti Naresh
Que (09): What was the name of first king of "Chhindak Dynasty"of Baster ?
A.Nripati Bhushan
B.Shree Harsh
Que (10): By which name "Dantewada" villages used to be known in past ?
D.Dant kalyan

~@_सभी छत्तीसगढ सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी_@~

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